Monday, July 19, 2010

Venezuelan National Workers Union Calls for Greater Worker Control |

Venezuelan National Workers Union Calls for Greater Worker Control |

Seriously, what's the likelihood leaders from the AFL, SEIU, or any other major US trade organization would ever advocate for such worker-oriented policies? I can only hope that these proposals can come to fruition eventually. These proposals seem to run the gamut from those that shouldn't be considered controversial in any system that refers to itself as "revolutionary" (namely a commitment to workers' management, especially in idle enterprises), to genuinely interesting ideas that aren't heard often... I'm especially interested in this proposal about the maximum wage/salary. It's so unusual to hear anything along those lines that, truth be told, I have not thought about what it would might mean at all, but it certainly deserves it; minimum wage laws, unfortunately, typically have the effect of driving wages down towards the stated lower limit, so would a maximum wage invert that pattern? There's no way it could be so simple, but seems like as good a starting point for thought as any...

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